The company RIHOVE - Rehabilitation Tools Ltd. is an heir to a family firm with 200 years of tradition. Relaunched after 1989 following a 40-year hiatus, it builds on experience gained by its founder Jiri Riha in the field of rehabilitation psychology at Prague's Jedlicka Institute for the Disabled and at the rehabilitation medicine department of the Institute for Post-Graduate Education in Health Care (IPVZ). Riha rose to the challenge of bringing the quality of Czech rehabilitation, orthopedic and prosthetic aids to European standards. In cooperation with V. Janda, head of the rehabilitation medicine department at IPVZ, he has launched a production line for sensory motor exercise tools, while together with professor K. Lewit he has developed a type of a lumbar band, a much-needed aid successfully used to treat patients of the rehabilitation clinic of the Vinohrady Faculty Hospital in Prague. Riha gradually expanded his business, first in cooperation with the Richter Reha Design company to produce spare parts for electric wheelchairs, and later with Otto Bock-Healthcare to manufacture electric seat lifts. He also teamed up with professor Z. Dvir and partners in the Czech Republic to develop an isokinetic dynamometer for the Tel Aviv University, Producing and distributing custom-made tools such as hand-rails, walking frames, therapeutic deck chairs, bathroom or pool seat lifts, the company caters for individuals as well as for rehabilitation wards, neurological and orthopedic departments and nursing homes. RIHOVE has been a distributor of Putnams adjustable aids since 1998 and Thera-Band products since 2001. | ||